St. Mark's Lutheran Church

We are LUMIN: Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Southern California!
We are rooted at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, which is located just across the street from USC, at the corner of Vermont Avenue and 36th Place, near the Taco Bell and the Smart & Final. Look for the building with the big colorful mural of bright angel wings. :)
We are a student small group within an intergenerational church. So, if you want to connect with other college students in a small group, but also hang out with little kids and wise elders and people from all walks of life on Sundays, we’re your place.
We are also a multi-cultural, multi-national community. We are first-and-second-generation immigrant families from the Caribbean and Central America. We are African-American families from the Deep South. We are white folks from the Midwest. We are multiracial children of mixed families. We’re a diverse bunch.
We are queer and straight, trans and cis, binary and non-binary, with a particular concern for the QBIPOC community that so many of us call home.
We do social justice. We’re deeply involved in community organizing in the gentrifying neighborhood around USC, and we do that alongside families and activists who have been engaged in this work for a long time. We don’t colonize; we accompany.
We do soul care. We don’t shy away from hard feelings like grief or anxiety. We don’t shy away from hard questions about faith. And we always come together to celebrate the joys of the journey - usually with lots of laughter.
Come and see.
The best place to meet us is by joining us for worship at 10am on Sunday morning at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 3651 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90007.
If you want to get in touch with the pastor in advance, you can fill out the Visitor Card here, and Pastor Matt will be happy to follow up with you.
We look forward to meeting you!