St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Worship ministries: Weekly creative arts Sunday worship, as well as Holy Week services and collaborative worship services with Lutheran congregations throughout South Los Angeles.
Small group ministries for faith formation and mutual support: Adult Bible Study, LuMin Campus Ministry, L.I.T. (Lutherans in Training) Youth and Confirmation ministry, summer camp ministries.
Community-building and cultural-celebration ministries: Central American and Caribbean Heritage Festival in September, Black History Month Celebrations in February, PRIDE Sunday in June, and Back to School Sunday in August.
Direct service partnerships with the SoLA Peace Center for grocery and food distributions as well as onsite summer day camp for children and youth, and a partnership with the Hope Street Family Center for year-round early childhood education for children and families in a new center onsite.
Community organizing for justice and equity, through our Bethune Organizing Team, in national partnership with the church-based Organizing for Mission Network (OFM), and in local partnership with the United Neighbors in Defense Against Displacement (UNIDAD).
To learn more about any of these ministries, visit us on a Sunday morning!
We do our ministry as a part of larger networks. We are...
A New City Parish Congregation (https://newcityparish.com/)
Welcoming God’s children of all races, ethnicities, and cultures.
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation (https://www.reconcilingworks.org/)
Welcoming God’s children of all gender identities and sexual orientations.
An Organizing for Mission Network Congregation (https://www.organizingformission.org/)
Following the example of Jesus, we practice community organizing as a spiritual practice to pursue transformative change in our neighborhood and beyond.