St. Mark's Lutheran Church

Holy Week is coming!
Palm Sunday, April 10, 10am. We will begin worship in the streets, as Jesus did on Palm Sunday. We’ll raise palm branches and picket signs, and take our march down Vermont Avenue along the fence bordering the former site of the Bethune Library. This empty lot is still public land, and St. Mark’s has been community organizing to make sure that this public land is for public good. Join us as we rally! Afterward, we'll head into our Creation Courtyard to hear the Passion Story in word and song, as told by the voices of our community today.
Maundy Thursday, April 14, 6pm. We'll gather around a meal, remembering Jesus' last meal with his disciples. After the meal, we'll wade in the waters, and all ages are invited to wash one another's feet, as Jesus and his disciples did.
Good Friday, April 15, 12pm. This year we will collaborate on a Virtual Stations of the Cross with our partner congregations in New City Parish, focusing on where we find Jesus in each of our congregation's neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Inglewood, and Compton. St. Mark's has the Eighth Station, and Pastor Matt will preach the closing sermon. You can view this year's Good Friday Stations of the Cross at facebook.com/newcityparish on Friday, April 15 beginning at 12pm.
The Great Vigil of Easter, April 16, 5pm. Join us for a bonfire, storytelling, community singing led by Pastor Emeritus Brian Eklund, and, this year, once again, we will have BAPTISMS as part of the Easter Vigil!!! And you, too, are invited to come and affirm your baptism in a great big temporary pool in our Creation Courtyard. All are welcome!
Easter Sunday, April 17, 10am. Join us for a festive worship in our Creation Courtyard! Our Music Team is already working hard on special music for this year's Easter Sunday Worship. Come and sing; come and celebrate! Afterwards, kids are invited to hunt for Easter eggs. :)
Mark your calendars now and make plans to join the journey of Holy Week!