St. Mark's Lutheran Church
The Lord brought Abram outside and said,
“Look toward heaven and count the stars,
if you are able to count them.”
Then he said to him,
“So shall your descendants be.”
- Genesis 15:5
If you feel insignificant,
you better think again
Better wake up because
you're part of something way bigger
- Beyoncé, “BIGGER”
On a typical Sunday morning at St. Mark’s, there are a few dozen children of God who gather for worship. Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” And it’s true: Jesus is here, every Sunday.
Here’s the thing, though - our small weekly gathering that we see on Sundays is just the tip of the iceberg. As Beyoncé sings, “we’re part of something way bigger…”
We have a web of relationships and impact that goes far beyond what we can see.
We go back 120 years. Generations have called this community home.
There are people with St Mark’s roots who now live across the city, across the country, and across the world.
There is a constellation of people whose stardust came through St. Mark’s and who are now out there in the world letting their light shine.
We might not remember it on a typical Sunday morning, but this little church has had a big impact.
We are a living, breathing embodiment of God’s promise to Abram that God would create a family as big as the galaxies of the night sky.
We’re part of something way bigger. And it’s worth remembering that. And it’s worth celebrating that. And so we present to you:
Galaxies of Grace
St. Mark’s 120th Anniversary!
Saturday, November 9
5pm Doors Open + Photo Booth!
6pm Dinner + Program!
7:30pm DJ + Dancing!
Ticket Prices:
$40 Per Person; $20 Children under 12
$300 per 8-person table (best value!)
Evening attire recommended.
See you there!