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what love looks like now

Dear St. Mark's Family,


Our journey through this season of quarantine continues. We are not able to gather in person during this time, and that is challenging.


But we must remember why we are doing this. We are not doing this out of fear. We are doing this to love our neighbor.


We love our neighbor by protecting those must vulnerable to this virus. Even if we think we are young and healthy, we can be silent carriers of the virus. By staying physically distant, we protect our elders and those with compromised immune systems.


We love our neighbor by supporting the work of our doctors and nurses by flattening the curve, or keeping hospital caseloads low so that doctors and nurses can do their jobs well. By staying physically distant, we support the work of our nurses and doctors. 


We love our neighbor by taking precautions when we are in grocery stores, banks, and other places of essential services. We protect our sisters and brothers who work in these places by only going out when necessary and taking precautions - like wearing a mask - when we do.


We are physically distancing to love our neighbor. This is how we live out our faith in this season of our lives.


The situation will evolve, and we will continue to pay attention to the advice of our public health officials. Stay tuned to this page for updates. 


In the meantime, our life as the Body of Christ goes on!


Jesus is alive, and still with us in so many ways. 

And we can still connect with God and with each other in new ways. Here are several ways to connect online.





There are 3 ways to join for us 10am Sunday Worship.



You can find our Zoom Room for 10am Sunday Worship by signing up for our email list. (See the home page for the email sign up.) 

In the Zoom Room, you can interact with us in real time. You can share highs and lows, offer prayers of the people, and share any announcements from your life. We encourage you to join us for worship in the Zoom Room if possible!



We will also attempt to livestream worship to our Facebook page. If you tune into our Facebook page, you will be able to see the Zoom call, but you cannot interact with us. Still, it is one way to tune in! You can find our livestream on our Facebook Page here:​


Please be aware that the Facebook Live technology does not always work for us. We will try every Sunday, but if you don't see it, please proceed to option #3. 



You can also connect to the Zoom Room by calling in on any phone. You will be able to hear and talk with us, but not see the video, of course. Scroll to the bottom of this email for the call-in number.


We hope to gather with you for worship, whether by (1) Zoom, (2) Facebook Live, or (3) telephone conference call! All are welcome.



Online Small Groups


We've also started several online small groups for check-in, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship in this time of social isolation.


  • Adult Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 8pm.


  • Sunday School (one room schoolhouse for all ages) is Sundays at 9:30am.Sunday 


  • L.I.T. High School Youth Ministry is every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 6:30pm.


  • LuMin College + Young Adult Ministry meets as needed. Contact us for more info.


All of these groups meet in our regular Zoom Room (link above).



Monday Meditation

Throughout this COVID season, we will send out an email each Monday with devotional materials - a Scripture, a piece of visual art, a reflection, and a prompt for journaling and prayer.

These devotions will go to this email list. If you know someone who would like to receive the emails, but is not on this email list, please go to to sign up for the email list. You will find a short and simple on the front page of the website. 



Tuesday Music Meeting

On Tuesday evenings, the Music Team continues to meet via conference call at 6pm to plan music for the upcoming Sunday. If you'd like to be a part of the Music Team or offer something musical to our Sunday worship, let us know and we'll loop you into the Tuesday Music Meetings.



Online Offering


Finally, remember that you can continue to give your offering online via PayPal or Vanco.


While our building is not in use, we continue to have regular operating costs to carry out our ministries. Your Church Council is continuing to meet weekly to look at finances and assess our ministries in this time when everything is turned upside down. But we are committed to continuing to be the church in a world that needs connection to God and each other now more than ever, and we need your help to do it. Please continue to give as you are able. You can give online by clicking here:



Pastoral Care

Finally, should you need pastoral care for any reason, please don't hesitate to reach out. I can be reached by cell phone at any time. While child care sometimes slows my responsiveness, I try to respond to business messages by the end of the day and urgent pastoral issues as quickly as possible. Call or text anytime. If you do not have Pastor Matt's cell phone, email, and I will respond as soon as I can.

My prayers are with you, this week and always. Blessings to all of you as we continue to journey through this Season of Easter Under Quarantine, with death and resurrection all around us.


In Christ,


Pastor Matt




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